2 JANUARY 2025
Atlanta, GA - Resilient Georgia was recently awarded $933,980.64 from the Georgia Opioid Crisis Abatement Trust. The two year grant will be used in partnership with CWC Alliance to launch the Statewide Teen Opioid and Fentanyl Prevention Education and Training Initiative into 28 Georgia counties.
In this robust, comprehensive initiative, Resilient Georgia will leverage its impressive statewide reach and regional teen-focused program experts throughout 16 Regional Coalitions to achieve sustainable, statewide youth substance use prevention. CWC Alliance has partnered with Resilient Georgia to lead the development of a youth prevention curriculum and the implementation of a peer-to-peer model. This program will leverage a network of partners and their extensive communication channels to disseminate substance use prevention messaging, reaching every corner of the state.
We are honored to be one of thirteen statewide prevention programs awarded by the state of Georgia. This Statewide Teen Opioid and Fentanyl Prevention Education and Training Initiative is at the very heart of our mission to address root causes as a means to opioid misuse prevention.
CWC Alliance is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to empowering individuals to live safer, healthier, and more resilient futures through opioid education, mental wellness support, and effective pain management strategies. For more information visit cwc.ngo.
Resilient Georgia is a statewide coalition of more than 900 partners committed to building a stronger, more resilient Georgia. Through a network of public and private partners across 17 regional coalitions, Resilient Georgia is creating a pipeline of trauma-informed behavioral health services and resources that support children and families. This integrated system includes prevention, early intervention, research, advocacy and policy, and care implementation and coordination. Learn more at resilientga.org